Friday, May 1, 2015

Sometimes I wonder, what is wrong with the world? Pt. 2.5: Carrie Mac.......... You will burn for this!

This is gonna be a short little post but filled with a lot of anger and hatred. I hate other people. I really do, because they do stuff I don't understand. The thing I don't understand is how they can be that stupid. I know what I am. I am an angry fat-ass with to much time on his hands but at least I'm not disrespectful and I know my way around people and have the greatest 'brothers' in the world. I don't hate people in general but if a person does one thing to piss me of as their first impression, then I don't give a fuck. Today a singer did just that and now I can't help but to think that I hope she gets her ass kicked.

In a commercial I saw today they played a slow song that I didn't pay attention to at the start but then I heard that word "Everywhere" and I snapped. I got online and found out that a Scottish singer-songwriter named Carrie Mac had done a cover of the Fleetwood Mac song Everywhere, which is one of my favorite songs by them, and I found it on Youtube. Then it felt like my head was about to pop. All it was, was a slowed down acoustic cover on a piano and Carrie Mac looking out a window. I scrolled down to see some of the comments and reed about how people loved it and how amazing she was for doing this and I walked outside and started chopping some wood to get the anger out, but I had to write about this shit and here we go.

How does a a singer loose that much respect for good artists? How can they not care? A cover of a song on an album or a ep is when you change something in the song so sounds different or has a different tempo, it can be a lot of things. But when you slow down a song and all you do is play piano along with your shitty singing, that is not a cover. That is rape! How dare you touch a song like that and then don't give a fuck. You get praised by stupid people who don't know shit about music and you feel real proud about yourself afterwards don't you? Well I curse you for your blasphemy. Everywhere is a gorgeous 80's pop song......... How can you sleep at night knowing that fucked it all up? You should be ashamed of yourself and I hope I never meet you, Carrie Mac, cause I will yell your ears of and make sure that you won't forget, that classics are classics because they are good in thier current form, not when a money grabbing whore puts her greasy fingers all over it.

Taylor swift once did this to The boys of Summer by Don Henley and some other girl did it with Every Breath You Take by The Police and People kiss up to them and tell them what a great job they've done, but I do hope that Justice will come to those who deserves it. Have some respect for fucks sake. Money isn't everything! I would rather go bankrupt then play a song I didn't approve of. Music is art, and would you try to paint over the Mona Lisa because you think you can do better? Didn't think so!

Get a life and start listening to better music! 

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